Membership in CBAA has its benefits!
These include vital networking, career specific education, access to resource publications and other pertinent information. and legislative advocacy, to name a critical few. But the most important by far is Representation.
All you have to do is join…
Download and Print 2025 Membership Application Here
When completed, scan and email to [email protected] and [email protected] or fax to 888-390-8359.
Memberships may then be purchased via this website by clicking the “Join Now Links” Below.
CBAA offers six different levels of membership.
They are:
Agency Membership shall consist of 2 Full Members and unlimited Agency Associate Members. The 2 voting members must meet the same qualifications as Full Members under section 3.2A.
These are unlimited non-voting memberships and can only be purchased with an agency membership.
Full members are those individuals who are licensed by the authorized governmental agencies within the State of California to execute surety bail bonds for the public sector and pay 100% of the annual dues. Full members retain full voting privileges on all matters presented to the general membership of the CBAA
Associate Members are those individuals who are not eligible for membership desire to contribute money to the Bonding Profession. Associate members do not have voting privileges, but may attend all meetings.
Life Members are individuals who are licensed by the authorized governmental agencies within the State of California to execute surety bail bonds for the public sector, and either pay the dues established for life membership or are awarded one by the Board of Directors. Life members retain full voting privileges on all matters presented to the general membership of the CBAA.
Surety Memberships are (3) representatives of a Surety Company and must meet the qualifications of a Full Member under 3.2A and will have all rights and privileges of Full Members, except voting rights.