Leading the fight to preserve Surety Bail for bail agents in California


Welcome to our latest series of continuing education courses! Below you will find information on our 12 courses that will apply towards your annual or biennial licensing. Taking the courses couldn’t be easier. Simply decide on the options below. Of course, if you have a specific need you can contact the office for processing.

All you need to do is enroll in the courses you want to take, pay the tuition, read over the information and answer the quizzes, and then submit the results for processing and certification.

There are three options to select from:


  • To Purchase, click on the appropriate link above and you will be redirected to the CBAA Store. Then come back here to register: Register for Correspondence Courses. After you finish filling out the registration form please email a copy to Brandie at brandie@cbaa.com and Anthony anthony@cbaa.com
  • Anthony will be emailing the Courses over to your email from the purchase within 24 hours.
  • Once you complete all 6 or 12 final exams you can scan and emailed to brandie@cbaa.com or you can fax them to the main office for correction. The fax number is 888.390.8359.
  • Please note: Reporting of credits takes 5 business days.  You will receive a Confirmation of Reported Credits email back once credits have been reported to the Dept. of Insurance. 


  • If you have not receive your confirmation email from brandie within the time mentioned above please email her and make sure to add in the subject line: Have my credits been reported?
  • Brandie is only in the office on Fridays but checks her email as often as possible through out the week. Please be patient. Thank you!

All curriculum is in Adobe pdf format.