Association of Imperial County Bail Agents
President, Dorothy Franco | 226 S 8th Street, El Centro, CA 92243| 760.352.2924
Bail Association of Central California
President, Barry Pearlstein | 559.268.4646 Vice President, Patti Mahoney | 559.233.4521
North Bay Bail Agents Association (Sonoma County)
President, Dale Miller 707.525.9705 |Vice President, Tom Doerpinghaus | 707.545.2306 Secretary, Marie Miller 707.525.9705. Treasurer, Jim Hughes 707.573.9400
Orange County Bail Agents Association
President, Luis Mier 714.240.2245 |P.O. Box 28317, Santa Ana, CA 92799-5739
San Diego Bail Agents Association
Chairman of the Board, Cal Minard, President of the Association, Byron Mantack, Marco LiMandri, Secretary | Treasurer, Stephen McHugh, Ron Demery, Armando Espinoza, Lili Riley. 121 Broadway, Suite 364, San Diego, California 92101 | 619.237.9360 | Fax: 619.237.9366
San Mateo Bail Agents Association
President, Corrin Rankin 650-368-3349 Secretary/Treasurer Kathy Erken 650.363.2245 Jail Committee Chairman, Jose Maldonado 650.366.6666
Santa Clara County Bail Association
President, Steve Sparacino 408.747.9233, Vice President, Tedd Wallace, 408.288.8870 Secretary, Vacant Treasurer, Alice Cortez 408.268.9755
Stanislaus County Bail Agents Association
President, Dean Wilson 209.523.2245 Vice President, Angela Garcia 209.571.2245 Secretary, Gene Wisenhand 209-524-2774 Treasurer, Leroy Gambrell 209-524-5291xt]