Leading the fight to preserve Surety Bail for bail agents in California


AIA Family of Companies | www.aiasurety.com | www.expertbail.com
Michael Whalen 1 Baxter Way, Suite 130, West Lake Village, CA 91362 | Phone (800) 935.2245 Fax (818) 449.7100

American Surety Companywww.asc-usi.com | William Carmichael | Mike Whitlock
3905 Vincennes Rd, Suite    200, Indianapolis, IN 46268, | Phone: (317) 875.8700 • Fax: (317) 875.3210

Bankers Insurance Company | www.bankersbail.com | Brian Kesneck
P.O. Box 33015, St. Petersburg, FL 33733 | Phone: (800) 627.0000 Fax: (727) 803.4076

Crum & Forster www.cfins.com   |  Joseph Lombardo | Asst. Vice President, Bail USA, Inc. 157 Main St. | Greenville, PA 16125 | Phone: (800) 224.5872 ext. 63180 

Financial Casualty & Surety, Inc. (FCS) | www.fcsurety.com
3131 Eastside Street, Suite 600, Houston, TX  77098 | Phone: (877) 737.2245 Fax: (713) 351.8401

Sun Surety Insurance Company | http://www.sunsuretybail.com | Patrick Wood
21 Main Street, Rapid City, South Dakota, 57701 | Phone: (605) 348.1000 | Fax: (605) 348.0778